Many Canadians expected that 2022 may be starkly different from what we have endured over the past two years. With vaccination rates surpassing 90%, there was hope that the new year would bring more freedom from the crutches of a global public health crisis. But less than a week into January, and Ontarians are already settling into yet another province-wide lockdown, leaving many concerned about when we’ll be able to reverse some of the impacts that the pandemic has had upon our society and families.

Spiking Divorce, Separation, & Mental Health Rates

Divorce and separation agreements skyrocketed over the past 21 months as couples grappled with the stress of isolation, loss of outside stimulation and recreation, financial struggles, and the pressures associated with living, working, and learning under the same roof. While these challenges have raged on between spouses, children have been silently suffering.

While many Canadians across the country have reported an increase in mental health challenges over the past two years, youth have been particularly vulnerable to the many pandemic-induced lifestyle changes, according to recent reports and findings.  The Centre for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH) reported that:

  • Canadian youth are experiencing anxiety and depressions as a result of the pandemic, with higher rates among those with existing mental health conditions.
  • 18% of youth respondents had suicidal thoughts in the early stages of the pandemic.

A University of Calgary study suggests that the percentage of youth and adolescents experiencing depression and anxiety has as much as doubled since the start of the pandemic. Unfortunately, the pandemic has also impacted access to many mental health resources and support systems, as well as extracurriculars aimed at improving mental and physical health. This has left many parents concerned about how to help their children effectively navigate these issues and ensure their wellbeing.

“These youth are not going through their natural growth process of going to school attending sporting events and mingling with their peers. They are turning to substance abuse, rebelling, and hanging out with the wrong crowd, which is concerning many parents.” Says Adrianne Fekete, owner of Star Quality Private Investigations®. “We are concerned when a parent contacts us and feels their young child is up to potentially risky and dangerous behaviour. Thank goodness for our team of PI’s who are all former law enforcement and have years of experience with dealing with these kinds of situations.”

The Impact of Child Wellness Checks

To support families that have been adversely impacted by the pandemic, Private Investigation firms are stepping up, offering tools and services to help parents regain peace of mind during this uncertain, emotionally taxing period.

Child Wellness Checks are a valuable tool offered as part of Family Law Investigations, and can help in these two situations:

  • If a youth or teenager is engaging in “risky behaviour” and the parent is concerned for their wellbeing while they are not under their watch.
  • If a parent is concerned for the wellbeing of their child while in the care of the other parent. This may be concerning questionable behaviour on behalf of the child, the parent, or another individual in contact with the child (such as a nanny, an elderly grandparent, or an ex-spouse’s new lover).

Amid the skyrocketing mental health challenges faced by youth over the course of the pandemic, the team at Star Quality Private Investigations® has experienced a sharp uptick in the number of parents seeking support through Child Wellness Checks. Each of these cases is unique, requiring a customized approach based on the needs of the family, but in the vast majority of cases, stressed parents are simply desperate for another set of eyes. Our undercover Investigators are able to closely monitor the whereabouts or activities of your child through discreet surveillance operations, ensuring that their actions are not jeopardizing their safety, or the safety of the family.

We strive to go above and beyond, offering a uniquely compassionate approach to these highly sensitive investigations. In tandem with being your eyes on the ground, our Private Investigators are also able to offer strategic intervention where needed, working individually with your child, or helping the family build the strong connections they need to help weather the rest of this storm, together.

Dedicated to Supporting You.

“Star Quality Private Investigations® cares about their community and the families with them. As one of the leading Toronto Investigation Agencies specializing in the provision of Family Law Investigations, we have chosen to align our core community embracement initiatives around providing support for women, youth, and families. Particularly during the COVID-19 crisis, women and youth have been disproportionately disadvantaged, with surging rates of gender-based violence reported across the country. The mental health of both women and youth has also suffered tremendously over the course of the pandemic, and we are committed to offering resources and support to those who are adversely impacted,” says Adrianne.  “We will continue to do what we need to for as long as it takes to support those in need.”

For more information about Family Law Investigations or for guidance on how to access mental health resources and support for yourself or a loved one, please reach out to the team of experts at Star Quality Private Investigations® Toronto. You’re not in this alone.