Unfortunately, not all fairy tale marriages end in a happily ever after. Given that the average length of a marriage in Canada is only about 14 years, the D-word has become a common occurrence. And yet, when you are up against your own divorce, the process can be consuming, exhausting, and financially draining.

One of the factors that can end up stretching a divorce over an extended period of time, can be the untangling of emotions and business. Particularly if the marriage was a long one, often both parties struggle to set aside their emotions and present the hard facts (and the truth) in order to reach a settlement.

Private Investigators & Divorce

So where do we come in? Private Investigators, to put it simply, can help set the record straight. Particularly within divorce cases fraught with competing allegations or disagreements, a Private Investigator can be hired to uncover, verify, or analyze information in a divorce case in order to reach a fair settlement. Below are the three main ways in which a Private Investigator can help if you are navigating a divorce:


Unsurprisingly, divorce can get a fair bit more complicated when children are involved. In some cases, the reasons that may have led to the divorce, can present themselves as issues concerning the welfare of the children involved. This is usually the case when infidelity, neglect, substance abuse, or physical abuse is present or suspected.

In these cases, a Private Investigator can help uncover evidence or verify information surrounding these alleged activities, to be presented to the court in legal terms. This will allow for any protective measures to be applied to the custody arrangement where necessary, such as restricted access, or supervised visits with the children.

Private Investigators can also be involved in the financial aspect of providing for the children during a divorce case. Sometimes it many be suspected that one party is concealing funds/assets, or misrepresenting their salary as a means of paying less in child support. PI’s are experienced and effective in combing through financial records and/or performing surveillance to reveal the true numbers, in order to ensure that the parent assuming primary custody is fairly compensated.


Rarely, during a divorce, are assets and finances divided unquestioningly, with each party walking away with a smile. Quite the opposite in fact. When it comes to money, each party wants what they feel they are owed, spurring heated debates over outstanding mortgage or car payments, ownership of the vacation house, division of inheritances…the list, and the arguments, rage on!

In many cases, a Private Investigator will be brought in to perform an asset search, in which they uncover or verify financial information through records and other sources. A thorough asset search can reveal anything from a secret property in the Maldives, to a hidden Swiss bank account…we’ve seen it all! This information can help lawyers assemble an accurate and fair plan for the divorce settlement and an equitable division of the couple’s assets.


As part of the divorce process, each party must disclose if there is “fault”, where it lies, and what proof you have of these allegations. A ‘fault’ can encompass anything from infidelity to abuse, cruelty, or imprisonment, to name a few.  If you’re presenting evidence of any allegation against your partner, it needs to be legally obtained and usable within a court of law. Illegally gathered evidence can, in fact, hurt your case, so make sure you consult a professional before snapping pictures behind a bush on your camera phone.

Private Investigators are experienced, trained and licensed to gather professional video and photographic footage, witness testimony, and other forms of legal evidence of allegations that can be used as part of your divorce case, and within a court of law.

Hiring a Private Investigator to help uncover the truth within a tangled web of “he said” vs “she said” can go a long way in terms of helping to bring a divorce settlement to a close. Collecting and presenting evidence as early as possible can also reduce the stress and financial strain resulting from a long, drawn-out process (some divorces can drag on for anywhere up to 4 years, while others get pulled back to court yearly to revise income, verification, custody agreements as well as various restrictions and new criminal charges).

Whether you’re currently trudging through your own divorce battlefield or are looking for clarity in other areas of your relationship, put your Trust in the Family Law Investigation Experts at Star Quality Private Investigations®. Knowledge is power: call us today and let our team help you get the answers you want, need, and deserve.