The wellbeing of your children is, without a doubt, the number one priority for any parent. It is for this very reason that child custody battles can be emotionally taxing, stressful affairs, particularly when one parent believes that the other could jeopardize the safety of the children involved, potentially putting them in a dangerous situation. Private Investigators are frequently involved in these scenarios, to help uncover professional, high-quality evidence which can be used to strengthen a child custody case and ensure the protection of your most important asset!

As Toronto’s leading Child Custody Investigation Team, we’re sharing everything you need to know about when you should call a Private Investigator, and how they can help deliver results and peace of mind as you navigate a child custody battle.

What is Child Custody?

In short, child custody refers to who cares for and is responsible for the children. Within this umbrella are the concepts of physical custody or legal custody. Physical custody refers to who the child will live with, and legal custody refers to who makes legal decisions on behalf of the child while they are a minor. Both forms of custody may be sole (in which one parent retains full responsibility) or joint (in which these responsibilities are shared).

When a Private Investigator Can Help in a Child Custody Case

Most often, Private Investigators are consulted in the event that a parent expresses concern regarding the wellbeing of their children while under the care of the other parent. Through a combination of investigative techniques, the Private Investigator will objectively observe the parent subject, documenting and collecting photography or video evidence of any behaviours that may be concerning as a parent. This may include but is not limited to:

  • Violent or abusive behaviour towards the spouse or children
  • Involvement in criminal activity
  • Financial instability and incapacity to provide for the needs of the children
  • A history of mental illness that is unmanaged or untreated
  • Abuse of drugs or alcohol, and/or excessive gambling
  • Neglectful behaviour towards the children while under their care, or failure to provide the basic necessities of safe shelter or food
  • Parental alienation, or other forms of emotional abuse (Check out our blog to learn how to spot the signs of parental alienation)
  • A history of driving offenses
  • Exposing the children to individuals exhibiting any of the above behaviours

How Does a Private Investigator Help in Child Custody Cases?

No two Child Custody Investigations are the same, and therefore the strategy and resources employed to seek answers will differ depending on the family’s unique circumstances. However, in the majority of Family Law Cases, the following investigative techniques are most commonly used:

Witness Testimony: Private Investigators will interview friends, family, teachers and/or neighbours to understand more about the life of the children, and their interactions with the parent in question.

Background Checks & Asset Searches: This deep investigative record searches can help uncover evidence pertaining to any past criminal activity, or even the presence of hidden assets which the parent may be failing to disclose to limit their financial responsibility to the child(ren).  Further, background checks can expose any concerns in regards to the other people whom the parent may have around the children.

Surveillance & GPS Tracking: Investigators can closely monitor the activities and whereabouts of the parent subject, capturing photography and video evidence of any wrongdoings or mistreatment towards the children.

All collected evidence is professionally recorded and presented to be used within a court of law – or any other governing body – to support the best interests of the children involved.

It’s important to note that the goal of a Private Investigator is the pursuit of the truth. In this vein, should your integrity as a parent be wrongfully questioned, Private Investigators can help prove the absence of any mistreatment or questionable behaviour through these same means.

Star Quality Private Investigations® Toronto has built a long-standing reputation as the leading team of Family Law Investigators across the GTA; we are proud to have helped a multitude of families find clarity through murky and hot-blooded child custody battles, securing the necessary evidence to ensure that the welfare of their children is protected at all costs. But what sets us apart is our dedication to holistic client care, ensuring that along with our unparalleled expertise, you have an empathetic support system by your side throughout every step of your journey. You’re not in this alone. To learn more about our approach to Child Custody Investigations in Toronto and the surrounding areas, reach out to our team today.