There’s little doubt about; infidelity in Canada is prevalent from coast to coast. In fact, a shocking 1 in 10 Canadians have admitted to cheating on their partner, and over 20% claim to have seriously considered doing so[i]! But which gender is more prone to this behaviour: men or women?

The straight answer is: “It’s complicated.”

Many studies over the years have attempted to understand more about the cheating gender divide, and an overwhelming number of these suggest that men are more prone to cheating than women. However, there are a few things to consider that may make you reconsider these results:

What Counts as Cheating?

Many studies will define cheating as “having sex,” but for many people, infidelity can take on many forms. Some may consider it cheating if their partner is engaged in an emotional relationship with someone online. Or perhaps consistent flirtatious behaviour with a co-worker.  What about watching pornography – is this considered cheating?

Gender can play a key role in how infidelity in a relationship is defined; women typically view an emotional affair as more serious, while men are more concerned by physical cheating, such as sex with another partner.

Since many studies will use a rather limited definition of cheating, it impairs our ability to paint an accurate picture of which gender is more likely to seek satisfaction – whether physical or emotional – outside a relationship.

Lying About Lying?

Another factor that skews many cheating-related statistics is, unsurprisingly, honesty. Gender can play a part in the admission of cheating behaviour, with men suggested to be more likely than females to admit to wrongdoing in a relationship.

It’s also hard to know if the numbers are truly indicative of the trends —many studies reveal that women are certainly cheating more now than they did 50 years ago (with some studies suggesting as much as a 40% increase in female cheaters), but it’s probable that they’re just more willing to admit it now than they were back then. Open discussion about sex and relationships is far less taboo than it was even a few decades ago, so it’s hard to compare figures over time and between genders with any sort of certainty.

We do know that the cheating game has changed significantly for both men and women. The prevalence of dating sites and apps has made a quick hookup or even an online relationship, more accessible than ever.

The reality is that survey results only get you a little closer to the answer of who cheats more, and it doesn’t answer what you really want to know, which is how to know if your partner is cheating, and what to do if they are. As a leading team of Infidelity Investigators, we can confirm that the answer to both questions is not rooted in gender, but rather a wide range of other factors.

Check out these blogs to learn more about The Top Signs of a Cheating Spouse and some reasons Why People May Choose to Cheat.

 How Do I Know If My Partner Is Cheating?

If you’re reading this, you probably have suspicions. Try our quiz to get a quick measurement by tallying your responses based on the answer key at the end of this post:

1. Has your partner recently changed the way they dress?
a. Not that I’ve noticed
b. They wear nicer clothes once or twice a week
c. They’re more interested in fashion
d. They’re wearing clothes that are sportier and show off their body
2. When your partner gets a phone call, what do they do?
a. Ignore the call
b. Leave the room to take the call
c. Read the name of the caller out loud
d. Decline the call immediately
3. How’s your sex life?
a. About the same as always
b. We’re having a lot more sex!
c. My partner is less interested in sex lately
d. We’re doing more role-playing and it’s a lot of fun!
4. When you have a fight, does you partner _____
a. Get defensive
b. Try to figure out where they went wrong
c. Cry uncontrollably
d. Avoid the whole thing
5. When your partner’s best friend is around, does the best friend ______
a. Try to flirt with you?
b. Avoid making eye contact with you?
c. Ask you about your life?
d. Joke around with you?
6. Does your partner shower right after getting home?
a. Yes, because they ride their bike to and from work
b. Only when it’s really hot outside
c. Yes, but because they’re more concerned about being clean lately
d. No, but I wish they would!

If you scored 6-9, your partner is probably faithful to you. If you scored 10-15, they might be cheating. If you scored 16-18, there’s a good chance they’re fooling around behind your back. Remember, these scores aren’t set in stone, and usually the best indicator is your intuition—that gut feeling that tells you that something’s not quite right.

Where Do I Go From Here?

As Toronto’s leading team of Infidelity Experts, at Star Quality Private Investigations® we’ve dealt with hundreds of clients struggling with suspicions that their partner is cheating, and are unsure of how to move through it. The one thing they have in common is the search for certainty. Whether the results of our investigations are positive or negative, our clients always benefit from knowing the truth.

A Private Investigator can help you get to that place of certainty, where you can move forward armed with professionally obtained evidence. Working with SQPI, you’ll receive an unparalleled standard of expertise, service that’s customized to your needs, a team that’s in your corner, and the sensitivity and empathy you need as you navigate this difficult time in your relationship. Contact us today to learn how we can uncover the peace of mind that you need, want, and deserve.

Answer Key

1. a.       1

b.       2

c.       3

d.       3

2. a.       2

b.       3

c.       1

d.       3

3. a.       1

b.       3

c.       3

d.       1

4. a.       3

b.       1

c.       2

d.       2

5. a.   2

b.   4

c.   1

d.   1

6. a.       2

b.       1

c.       3

d.       1


  2. When a Partner Cheats (