Getting hit by Cupid’s arrow means love is on the horizon. The trouble is that Cupid’s got more than one arrow in his quiver, and you don’t know what other targets he may be aiming at or how many.

People having extramarital affairs usually want to spend time with their lovers around Valentine’s Day. According to the cheating website Ashley Madison, about one-third of the people having an affair will see their lover on the 14th itself.

Subsequently, it is more common for them to meet up the day before Valentine’s, February 13th, known as “Mistresses Day.” Things can get so hectic for a person trying to manage two relationships that they’re apt to slip up, and this is when their partner might get serious clues that Cupid’s been up to his old tricks.

If you’re in this situation, you may have noticed an unexplained purchase on a credit card statement, an increase in the text messages your partner is receiving, or a sudden “work emergency” that takes your partner away from home on Valentine’s Day or the day before. Other indications of cheating include increased secrecy, a change in their sexual behaviour with you (either more interest in sex or less) and your partner paying more attention to their physical appearance and hygiene. You might also notice them being defensive or experiencing a change in how they interact with you (creating either more conflict or less).

Facing this situation is painful, especially if you’ve avoided dealing with it. But you don’t have to handle it by yourself. A qualified Private Investigator (PI) can help you resolve your doubt, letting you move forward with your life. Here’s how a private investigator can get you the answers you need:

  • Surveillance: A private investigator can follow your partner to see where they’re going and with whom they are meeting. They can take clear, high-quality photos as proof of your partner’s wrongdoing.
  • Vehicle tracking: If your partner drives a vehicle you share, a GPS device can be attached to it to monitor their movements. If they say they’re going to the office or the gym, you’ll soon find out if that’s where they really went.
  • Monitoring online activity: Maybe your partner has multiple social media accounts that you’re not aware of. A skilled private investigator can locate them for you and look for any other suspicious online activity.
  • Property ownership searches: Does your partner keep a love nest somewhere? A private investigator will comb public records for evidence that they have a hideaway for secret meetings.
  • Background checks: Want more information about the “other” woman or man? Leave it to a private investigator to find out who they are and what they’re up to when they’re not with your partner.

A Note About Catfishing:
If you are single on Valentine’s Day, it may get you thinking about finding your soulmate through an online app. Criminals sometimes use these sites to draw in unsuspecting targets. They start small, building trust as they convince you of their sincerity. But sooner or later, you’ll get a request for your personal information or a direct request for money. That’s the time to get vigilant. End the relationship if you feel uncomfortable, but consider adding a private investigator to your team of professionals if you want to continue with it. A private investigator will check and make sure your new love interest is really who they say they are. You don’t make serious health care decisions without the advice of a health care professional, so don’t make a serious life decision without guidance from a cheating-detection expert.

At SQPI, we never take Valentine’s Day off! On that day, we’re working overtime to track the flight of Cupid’s arrows and report it back to our clients. With over two decades of experience, we have the resources and expertise to investigate the most serious of relationship transgressions.

We also understand that this is a difficult time for you, and we want you to be able to find peace, no matter what our investigations turn up. You can count on us to act quickly and treat your case with the sensitivity and compassion it deserves. Beyond the case investigation, we’re here to support you during this painful part of your relationship. As our owner, Adrienne Fekete, has said: “People come to us in their darkest moments, and with the information they can’t share with anyone else. That’s a big responsibility. And what we’re after is a gift, the gift of the truth.” Contact us today with your concerns; let’s make sure your next Valentine’s Day ends in bliss instead of betrayal.